Easy Ways to Fix Printer Infusion in Wind


Easy Ways to Fix Printer Infusion in Wind

Easy Ways to Fix Printer Infusion in Wind- Please follow the steps below to enable the printer again healthy mate (not cold) hehe ... : D.

Prepare Equipment and Materials Easy Ways to Fix Printer infusion colds:
  1.     Ink (tailored to the needs)
  2. Injection of 2 pieces
  3. Tissue
Step - Step Guide to Easy Ways to Fix Printer infusion of a cold:
  1. Remove the cartridge from the printer.
  2. Choose the ink color hose who want to be fixed / being cold.
  3. Then the loose ends of the hose are stuck on ctridge then open the rubber cover on the air infusion bottle buddy.
  4. Suck the air using ink injections to meet the hose, and air rubber cover on the lid so air does not get in again.
  5. Fill cartridge using injections to the brim (which removed the hose), not to overflow / excess.
  6. Attach the hose to the end and finished cartridge, printer ink mate infusion is back to normal.
How to make it easy? please practice good luck.